
2. Managing content

How do I add header slider images to a page?

You can only make header sliders from a page gallery and each page must first have its own gallery

In the back End:

Go to the PAGES->choose a page->Upload/Insert Media->Upload an image either from your computer, a URL or an image which is already in your Media Library->insert into post->image will appear in your post->update->remove image from post if you don’t want it in your post->page will now contain an image in its gallery->repeat steps for more images in the gallery->Move down to Page Header Section-> Header type->Slide show->Update

Can you tell me how easy it will be to manage the new site once it is up and running?

With the new 2.0 template, you can (from any computer) add pages, delete pages, add blog entries, customize text and photo’s, add new photos to the home page, edit all programs in Shambhala Database, edit features on homepage, customize features on the sidebar. You can do this from any computer, just log into the site with your shambhala account and if you are an editor of the site, you will be able to make changes.  There is no need to know any code/s and that is the beauty of WordPress. For the advance user, you can customize your design in CSS. Also, there are lots of background options and fully customizable style sheets to choose from. You will there for be able to make changes to your existing design and build a new design if this is required.

Can we modify the template via a child template if we so desire?

No. We have build a window into the back-end where you can edit our CSS, add CSS and javascripts that you need. This functions like a child theme in terms of design, would let you overwrite certain pages and won’t let you break the site. We did this to make it very convenient for centers who doesn’t understand child theme logic.

Will we able to only obtain images from the Shambhala Database, like some sort of image bank?

Each center who has upgraded to the 2.0 website will have their own Shambhala Image Bank.  The images that are already on the SDB for programs will show up on your new site in the programs section.

The last several years we have been posting recordings of talks. Will we be able to do this on the new site?

Its recommended now to use the Shambhala Network (Database) for classes. Here you can create a new classes, create special groups on the network, join or add participants to that group. Once they are joined, they can have conversations, including private talks. Only those who are registered to group/class will be able to have access to the talks or material..

Its best to appoint an administrator to the group/s created to manage the users or participants in the group. Your starting point will be to go to the Shambhala Network, use your log-in details for your Shambhala account, upload audio, talk syllabus or notes and it will be automatically be shared with that group.
With the 2.0 website no longer providing FTP access, a lot of sever security has been implemented with the Shambhala Database…its according to the new security mandate from the Shambhala Information Technology Council. So in short, its a good thing to start your center to get to use the Shambhala Network for Online Learning.

Anyone with a Shambhala account can access the network and all the public groups (which include centre’s main groups) .  You do not need to be a member to get a Shambhala account.  The network was designed to let non-members use it.  If you are a non- member, you will not be able to see other people’s photos or profiles, that is a privacy issue.

But the groups that are class based should be private groups not public groups. In that case you will need special permission from the teacher to join the group.  Ultimately we need private protected spaces to converse in and the network provides that level of container.